Getting Over Stage Fright While Speaking in Public


Lindelle Jones

You will eventually feel more comfortable and relaxed the more you practice speaking in front of crowds of people. Being nervous is a typical reaction and lasts for a short period of time. But some suffer from constant and debilitating stage fright. Stage fright consists of a tense feeling which does not dissipate or weaken. Most persons do not make it to the stage, others are left speechless and still while staring down at the many faces beyond. This is stage fright and it may take a long time to control it. There are ways in which you can prevent this from happening by practicing a few tips.

Firstly, studying your speech is important. If you have studied it well then there is a lesser chance of forgetting it. It is also important to feel comfortable and at ease with the topic you will be presenting. Make an effort to find as much information as you will need for your speech. You will not have to include it all but if you have knowledge on your topic then you can pull from your memory and add tips to your notes. If you get lost in the middle of your speech, this knowledge will prove very useful. When your audience appears interested in certain things throughout your speech you can speak at length about it.


Practicing in front of a mirror is an age old answer to a current question. When standing in front of a mirror you will be able to grade your performance as a whole and not just rely on whether you know your lines or not. Take note of your hand gestures and posture as these can come across unintentionally lazy and uninterested to your audience. Some persons over-exaggerate their movements and actions while speech-giving. Eliminate excessive hand gestures where you deem necessary.

Gather a small audience at your home with your family and close friends. This is a group you feel comfortable with and won’t experience stage fright in front of. Ask your friends and family to take notes of your demeanor, your tone and your gestures and at the end of the speech tell you what you can get rid of or keep. This preliminary speech will help you to gain more confidence in yourself to stand in front of bigger crowds since you have already tested yourself. This also helps you to develop skills with other people and how you relate to them.

Arrive early at the venue in which you will be giving your speech and walk around the area. Take into account how big or small the area is. This will help you to adjust your pitch and volume while speaking as well as prepare you for persons filling the seats. Stand in front of the stage or area in which you will be standing and imagine being an onlooker. Practice your lines and imagine looking out into many people. Familiarity routines like this will help you to feel more comfortable in your surroundings and help you to prepare for your speech. It is perfectly normal to undergo some anxiety and nervousness before speaking in public. It is more important to face your fears and feel confident. These simple preparations will help you to become a more confident and better speaker.

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