Submitted by: Ronn Jones

The crisis of global warming and pollution is probably one of the biggest threats to us and the entire world today. Every moment that we spend, we produce some toxic material or the other that contributes towards these threats. Every single one of us should take up the responsibility of fighting against the spreading threat of global warming and pollution in order to save our planet and of course the entire human race. Every one of us needs to understand that if this planet is not saved from these natural menaces caused by human beings, we ourselves will have no place to live.

It is a common nature of man to try and improvise on natural resources to create commodities that would make living better. And in this process much of the vast natural gifts that once existed on the face of earth have been exploited and used up. On the other hand, ignorance to replace these used up resources has resulted in many of these becoming extinct. Whatever is left cannot also be used forever. So this is high time human beings should understand their responsibilities towards the planet we all live in and call our home, try to take precautions to save it and make it worth a place to stay for our children in the days to come.


At this point of time, almost everyone across the world is aware of the problem and is trying to do as much as possible to adopt measures of pollution control. Several anti-pollution movements and organizations working towards creating awareness of the situation and also for the purpose of carrying out these movements have emerged. Production units are trying to opt for regular methods and procedures that would help to create lesser pollution.

Paper and printing industry, surprisingly, ranks fourth among manufacturers in the amount of energy use. Moreover, they produce harmful wastes that can potentially be the cause of massive air pollution. According to the EPA and environmental advocacy groups, printing houses produce what are known as Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs which are caused by petroleum-based inks, laminates, varnishes, and adhesives. Air pollution from those compounds greatly increases the risk of asthma attacks in human beings.

However, people behind the paper and printing industry are not shying away from the situation but acting sensibly to contribute towards the anti-pollution procedures. Their way of supporting the anti-pollution movements and contributing towards the betterment of the planet is by Going Green on printing. Yes, the printers are going green. Paper and printing productions require a huge amount of electricity and fossil fuel to maintain daily operations. They produce certain wastes that are primary causes of bio-hazards. These factors have now led some of the sensible minds behind the industry to adopt techniques and means of avoiding the threats that they are posing for mankind. They are using recyclable raw materials in order to conserve energy for the future of the planet. They keep track of their total energy usage and implement strategies for offsetting the environmental impact of their businesses. They are trying to minimize the consumption of electricity and use papers only from companies certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) because it tells us that the paper comes from well-managed forests that adhere to strict environmental standards.

Since printed matters are still the most effective way of communicating with consumers, and even in the electronic age, most of the companies use printing of brochures, catalogues etc. for their consumers, printing green is surely a savior of the whole world.

About the Author: This article is written by Ronn Jones, a marketing expert with years of experience in branding and internet marketing. For more information on printing green check out


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